Bashundhara Group has been recognised with the ‘Economic Times Best Brand 2021’ status by the Economic Times, a leading Indian business daily.
Bashundhara Group has received the ‘Best Brand’ recognition based on the following criteria: brand recall value, likeliness of consumers, end-users choosing a particular brand, uniqueness, innovation and trustworthiness.
Although Economic Times carried out surveys in other South Asian countries in the past and recognised their brands, this is the first time the publication is recognising corporate houses from Bangladesh.
The Economic Times included Bangladesh in its survey and accorded the recognition to Bashundhara Group in a virtual ceremony on September 30.
In its report, Economic Times said that Bashundhara Group is in a strong position in Bangladesh in terms of brand value having ample popularity among customers, said a press release.
SOURCE : NEW AGEগোবিন্দগঞ্জে বসুন্ধরা শুভসংঘের ইফতারসামগ্রী বিতরণ
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