Bashundhara Group, the leading business conglomerate of the country take initiative to distribute blankets among 2,000 destitute at Dharla and Brahmaputra coastal areas in Kurigram with the collaboration of Kaler Kantho’s Shuvosangho.
The blankets were distributed among 400 cold-hit people at the Sannyasi Government Primary School ground on Sunday morning, said a press release.
Kaler Kantho Shubhsangha Director Zakaria Zaman, Kaler Kantho Shubhasangha General Secretary Harun Aur Rashid Milon, Principal Collectorate School Abdul Malek Farooq, Kaler Kantho District Representative Shahidul Islam, Sannyasi Government Primary School Headmaster Takbir Hossain Manna, were present along with others.
On Sunday noon, blankets were distributed among 400 cold-hit people at the Kaluarchar Kuddusia two-way Dakhil Madrasa ground in Rajarhat upazila.
Blankets were also distributed among 400 cold-hit people at Naora Nasiriya Dakhil Madrasa ground in Ulipur upazila on Sunday at 3:00pm.
SOURCE : The Business Postগোবিন্দগঞ্জে বসুন্ধরা শুভসংঘের ইফতারসামগ্রী বিতরণ
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