Bashundhara Group, the leading industrial conglomerate of the country, has announced ‘Bashundhara Media Award 2022’ in 10 categories for 25 persons for investigative journalism.
To this effect, a circular has already been published, asking for investigative reports for the awards.
Bashundhara Group, a business organisation that is dedicated to the welfare of the country and its people, started giving media awards last year.
On that occasion, Bashundhara Group Chairman Ahmed Akbar Sobhan announced that the value of the next prize will be Tk 10 lakh. The dreamer of Bashundhara also announced an increase in the number of awards.
Accordingly, reports have been invited for 25 awards in 10 categories this time.
According to Bashundhara Media Award organising committee sources, Bashundhara Media Award-2022 will be given through a splendid arrangement like last year.
The journalists working in newspapers, online news portals, television channels and radio will be eligible for the awards.
The reports that were published or circulated between 1 January 2022 and 31 December 2022 have been requested to be submitted to the specified address.
Each report must be accompanied by a copy of a passport-size photograph along with the candidate’s name, e-mail, mobile number and current workplace address in Bangla and English.
Sources said as usual this time also an impartial jury board is associated with this award. An impartial jury board consisting of experienced journalists, university teachers and media experts will evaluate each report, photograph and video.
The final winner will be determined based on the highest average marks. The decision of the jury board shall be deemed as final.
Awards in categories: Investigative reports, video or audio reports and photographs are invited in 10 categories. The categories are Liberation War, Education, Health, Economy, Crime, Women and Children, Environment-Climate and Migration, Investigative Documentary, Photography and Video Journalism.
Twenty-three winners in the first 8 categories will each receive a prize of Tk 10 lakh, a crest and a certificate. Two winners in the last two categories will get a prize of Tk 2.5 lakh, a crest and a certificate.
Among these, awards will be given for the best investigative reporting in print, online, television as well as radio in the Liberation War category. Awards will be given to the top 3 investigative reports in print, online, and electronic media in the categories of Crime, Women and Children, Environment-Climate and Migration, Economy, Health and Education. One will be selected for best investigative documentary. Two prizes will be awarded for the best investigative video and photography.
Video journalists are not required to submit separate reports. The jury board will select the best investigative video journalist from among the reports submitted in the television and investigative documentary category.
SOURCE : Daily Sun
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