East West Media Group Limited (EWMGL), a media concern of the country’s largest business conglomerate Bashundhara Group, has achieved the highest taxpayer status in “Print and Electronic Media” category.
The Ministry of Finance published a gazette comprising names of the highest tax payers under various categories on December 18. The Ministry's gazette notification nominated 141 individuals and companies for tax card facilities for next one year.
The National Board of Revenue (NBR) will hand over the tax cards for highest contributions to national exchequer from respective levels.
The selected cardholders will get special facilities, including invitation of national programmes, privilege at VIP lounge of airports and priority at star-ranked hotels.
East West Media Group, umbrella organisation of media units of the Bashundhara Group, including Bangladesh Pratidin, Kaler Kantho and Daily Sun, has been nominated for tax card facilities for seventh times in a row in media category for significant contributions to national exchequer.
Five journalists have been nominated for the tax card facilities for their highest contributions to the national exchequer from respective categories. The journalists are – Channel I Managing Director Faridur Reza, Daily Star Editor Mahfuz Anam, Prothom Alo Editor Matiur Rahman, Channel I Founder Director Shykh Seraj and Bangladesh Pratidin Editor Naem Nizam.
SOURCE : Daily Sunগোবিন্দগঞ্জে বসুন্ধরা শুভসংঘের ইফতারসামগ্রী বিতরণ
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