Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB) organised a job fair on its campus at Bashundhara Residential Area in the capital on Monday.
Pro-vice-chancellor, board of trustees, faculties and students were present at the event titled “IUB Job Fair-2019”.
A total of 46 companies, including Bashundhara Group, BAT, Grameen Phone, Banglalink and Square Pharma, took part in the event.
As a special guest, chief Human Resource Officer, (S-A) Bashundhara Group and head of ICCB Capt (Retd) Shaikh Ehsan Reza was present at the programme.
On behalf of Bashundhara Group, he said, “Bashundhara Group is working for the people and for the country of Bangladesh. We are creating new concerns around the country to promote the country’s economic growth and reduce unemployment rate as well as poverty. “Bashundhara group always encourage fresh graduates to work for the betterment of company. In the future we will create more opportunities for fresh graduates.”
SOURCE : Daily Sunকুষ্টিয়ায় বসুন্ধরা আই হসপিটালের সেবা পেলেন ১২,৫০০ মানুষ
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