Bashundhara Group, country’s leading business conglomerate, has continued to distribute food items among underprivileged people who have become workless following spread of coronavirus. As part of corporate social responsibility, officials and volunteers of the group went door-to-door and distributed combo packets of food to 1,700 marginal families at different places in the capital on Tuesday. Collecting the food packets from Hall-1 of International Convention City Bashundhara (ICCB), officials and volunteers visited various targeted areas and distributed those among the vulnerable people. A combo food pack contains 10 kilogrammes of minikate rice, two kilogrammes of lentil, half kilogramme of ginger, one litre of fresh soya bean oil, two kilogrammes of potato, two kilogrammes of onion and half kilogramme of garlic. Among others, Bashundhara Group Senior Executive Detectors Imrul Hasan and Liakat Hossain, Executive Director Nazmul Alam Bhuiyan and ICCB Chief Executive MM Jasim Uddin were present during the distribution of food. Officials went door-to-door and distributed the food items. They said the programme will be extended to other areas and will continue till the situation becomes normal. Earlier on Sunday, Bashundhara Group distributed combo packets, includes daily essentials, to two thousand families in three areas of Beraid, Doomni and Solmaid in the capital.
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