Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority on Tuesday handed over the letter of award to the Powerpac-East West-Gasmin Consortium for developing and operating the Mirsarai Economic Zone-1 located in Chittagong under public-private partnership.
The consortium of three local companies got the award through competitive bidding for development of the zone on design, build, finance, operate and transfer (DBFOT) basis.
BEZA, under the Prime Minister’s Office, will provide the consortium of Sikder Group, Bashundhara Group and Gasmin Limited with 550 acres of land for development of the Mirsarai Economic Zone-1 under the banner of SBG Economic Zone.
SBG EZ will be among 25 blocks or zones to be developed under the broader Mirsarai Economic Zone area totaling 15,000 acres of land.
BEZA executive chairman Paban Chowdhury handed over the LoA to the Powerpac-East West-Gasmin Consortium managing director Mahboob ur Rahman at a programme at Sonargaon Hotel in Dhaka.
At the same programme, BEZA and BPDB-RPCL Powergen Ltd, a joint venture of Bangladesh Power Development Board and Rural Power Company Limited, signed a memorandum of understanding to set up a 150MW Power Plant at Mirsarai Economic Zone.
Principal Coordinator of Sustainable Development Goals Unit under the PMO Abul Kalam Azad requested the consortium for completing the development activities as soon as possible so that other developers become inspired.
He said that the One Stop Service Act would be placed before the cabinet soon for its approval so that investors could get all the services from a place.
Paban Chowdhury requested Azad for taking steps to ensure security of local and foreign investors
and their assets at the EZ areas.
He also sought intervention of the government for ensuring uninterrupted development works at the zones and keeping the activities out of influence of local influential people.
The government will also have to ensure supply of power and energy for investors, he added.
Mahboob said that they would complete the development of the zone so that investors could start their business by 2018.
He said that they would offer world class infrastructure and quality services to the investors.
BEZA officials said that industries including garments and garment accessories, integrated textiles, automobiles and shipbuilding could be set up at SBG EZ.
Bangladesh Export Processing Zone Authority executive chairman Mohd Habibur Rahman Khan, Bangladesh Rural Electrification Board chairman Moin Uddin and BEZA executive member M Emdadul Haque also spoke at the programme.
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