Bashundhara Group has set a rare example in providing humanitarian service to the needy by upholding business ethics. The country’s largest conglomerate has shown its excellence by extending support to the underprivileged as well as differently- abled people by following the motto--‘For the country, for the people’. Bashundhara Group Chairman Ahmed Akbar Sobhan, as part of his company’s corporate social responsibility, has been contributing towards national development as well as doing welfare-oriented activities for common people by undertaking different initiatives. Bashundhara Eye Hospital and Bashundhara-Ad Din Medical College Hospital, two major hospitals of the group, are already providing quality healthcare service to people from all walks of life at an affordable cost. To make healthcare more affordable, the company has planned to establish three more hospitals. To impart religious education to underprivileged children, the BG chairman has set up madrassa. Besides, the country’s largest mosque is now under construction at Bashundhara Residential Area. During natural calamities, the company always stood beside people with relief and cash support for their survival. Since the outbreak of coronavirus, Bashundhara Group stood beside underprivileged and unemployed people. Hearing people’s problems through media or other means, the management of the company always stood beside them. Many children have been enlightened and many people got back their eyesight wiith the help of the company. The company also provides ‘interest free’ credit under Bashundhara Foundation in a bid to save people from loan sharks. Many people including underprivileged women get livelihood support from Bashundhara Group chairman Ahmed Akbar Sobha. BG is also engaged in donating house, shop and cattle to the poor. Another milestone of the company is Bashundhara Special Children Foundation (BSCF) which works for welfare of differently-abled children. The specialised school located under Bashundhara Riverview Project in Keraniganj imparts quality service on charity for physical and neuron development of underprivileged kids. Alongside education, children with special needs get different life skills training much to the relief of their parents. Being patronized by Bashundhara Group chairman Ahmed Akbar Sobhan, the BSCF is being led by the director of the company, Yeasha Sobhan.. While leading the Foundation as its chairperson, Yeasha has proved that differently-abled children can be developed as a social resource by providing special care to them. She showed her love for children by organising ‘winter camp’ for special children at her residence. The BSCF has begun its journey on March 1, 2017 for schooling for autistic kids. However, the charitable organisation has covered all children with special needs in past three and a half years. There are well-decorated classrooms, century Integration Park and wide play ground in the school. The school only allows special children from poor families. Students get bag, books, school dress, water bottle, tiffin box and related stationary at free of cost from the school. The school runs academic activities in eight programmes including early childhood special education programme, cerebral palsy, autism spectrum disorder, intellectually handicapped-1 and 2, vocational training – boy, vocational training – girl and primary. Bashundhara Group Director Yeasha Sobhan donated an air- conditioned bus for comfortable movement of the children, Students also get free medical treatment at Bashundhara Ad-Din Medical College Hospital. Expressing gratitude to Bashundhara Group Chairman Ahmed Akbar Sobhan, the head of the school, Shaila Sharmin, said: “I have no word to express my thanks and gratitude to Director Yeasha Sobhan madam who has taken the uphill task of developing the special children as ‘capable citizens’. “We sometimes get ashtonished by observing Madam’s deep love for the special children. We hope this humanitarian effort will get proper recognition nationally and globally,” she added.
SOURCE : Daily Sunঅসচ্ছল নারীদের স্বপ্নপূরণে বসুন্ধরা গ্রুপ
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