DHAKA: Bashundhara City, the 12th-largest shopping mall in the world, on Tuesday organized a fire fighting drill as part of its plan to check the level of preparedness to face emergencies. The Directorate of Fire Service and Civil Defence cooperated in arranging the mock fire fighting exercises from 11.00 am. Bashundhara fire-fighters and fire units from the headquarters and Mohammadpur fire station conducted the fire drill. Bashundhara firefighters showed their skills in rescuing injured people, dousing flames and providing first aid to the injured. Employees acting as casualties were stretched off the building, and were provided with emergency medical care by the Bashundhara City paramedics within a short period of time.
কুষ্টিয়ায় বসুন্ধরা আই হসপিটালের সেবা পেলেন ১২,৫০০ মানুষ
Bashundhara Eye Hospital Provide Free Eye Treatment to 12,500 People in Kushtia
সিলেটে বসুন্ধরা শুভসংঘের সেলাই মেশিন বিতরণ
Bashundhara Shuvosangho Distributes Sewing Machines in Sylhet
বসুন্ধরা গ্রুপের সহায়তায় শত বাধা পেরিয়ে সফল তারা
They Overcame Numerous Hurdles With Bashundhara Group's Support
বগুড়ায় বসুন্ধরা শুভসংঘের উদ্যোগে শিক্ষার্থীদের মাঝে শিক্ষা উপকরণ বিতরণ
Bashundhara Shuvosangho Provides Educational Materials to Students in Bogra
বসুন্ধরা গ্রুপের সহায়তায় বাঞ্ছারামপুরে ৫,৩০০ শিক্ষার্থীর মাঝে কোরআন শরীফ বিতরণ
Bashundhara Gifts Holy Qur’an to 5,300 Students in Bancharampur